Description of Football Apps Football Apps comes with two puzzles, two memory matching, and five levels of challenging throwing game.The puzzles each have five levels, a beginner three by three, easy four by four, hard six by six, very hard nine by nine, and extremely hard twelve by twelve. It is fun and challenging if you love puzzles. Football Apps have two memory matching games, football and helmet, each with twenty four cards for you to remember and match them all. The Football Games Free game you throw the ball and hit the football helmet. You get five tries and you must destroy all six football helmets to win and there's five different challenges. Football Apps design team loves to build games for fun and cKTO.comhallenging for all ages from toddlers, kids, teens, to adults. Have fun with all the games we build!!
Version history Football Apps New in FootballChallenge 1.2 Version 1.1- Bug fix Please rate this app
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